Prices & Booking
請填寫您的名字, 聯絡電子郵件 (email), 行程選擇 (KK1, KK1W, KK2, KK3, KK4, KK5, KK6 或 KK-MPT 私人包車), 出發人數和日期, 我們會盡快與您聯絡。以下是我們的收費:

成人(16歲+) / 兒童(4-15歲) / 幼兒(4歲以下)
2024年11月。客車舒適、冷氣充足、最重要的是導遊Leo ,照顧車上各人皆無微不至,他會帶我們去最正的打咭位影相,又主動賛我們影相和拍video,又帶我們去食美味平宜的食物、咖喱牛肉批、薯條炸魚,而最為更驚喜的是、睇企鵝嘅時候、Leo技術上調整、把我們帶到一個能近距離觀賞企鵝嘅位置。..... (TripAdvisor)
2024年11月。兩天,大洋路行程,全程安全,好玩。Leo 導遊講解清楚,又見到樹熊,真超開心,同行朋友非常滿意!另路線適合老,中,青,兒童遊覽!又有野餐,非常好玩!風贵一流!..... (TripAdvisor)
2024年10月。Leo真的是一個很有經驗的導遊,讓我們有很美好的旅遊體驗,不管是一人或兩人一起,他都能很好的照顧到每個人,幫我們拍很好的照片,帶著我們吃美 .... (TripAdvisor)
2024年10月。導遊介紹得好好,時間配合得非常好,nice. 係有剩餘時間導遊會帶我哋去其他地方再參觀,👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 ...(TripAdvisor)
2024年10月。導遊有趣又專業。風景漂亮還可以找到野生無尾熊。時間也抓得很好。很夠玩。還拍了很多好看的照片。.... (Google Reviews)
2024年10月。這次的旅遊真的很輕鬆愉快,謝謝經驗豐富的導遊Leo,時間抓的很剛好,讓這次旅遊不會讓人很趕。Leo也很照顧每個人,很適合一人或兩人的旅遊,也會幫大家拍照,拍到滿意為止👍🏼.... (Google Reviews)
2024年10月。這次參加企鵝歸巢+小火車行程,導遊Leo人超級好,一路上會講解墨爾本景點各種歷史及故事,因為只有我們是台灣人,所以還會用國語重新解釋一次,也一直幫我們拍照,坐火車也有幫我們錄影,行程不會太趕,超級讚!推推👍👍👍.... (Google Reviews)
2024年9月。導遊Leo 十分盡責,有禮貌而且主動協助拍照和介紹景點,因為我們家裏車輛也10分整潔舒適,為我們帶來了在墨爾本愉快的...... (Google Reviews)
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詢問表格 (Enquiry)
聯絡我們 (Contacting Us)
>> +61 411 376 268 (澳洲境外)
>> 0411 376 268 (澳洲境內)
(+61) 4 1137 6268
電子郵件 (Email):
1) 概要
我們會盡力提供最好的服務,但對於人力無法掌控的疾病、受傷、損失、延遲,《看看墨爾本旅遊團》 將不負任何責任。我們建議您購買旅遊平安保險。
《看看墨爾本旅遊團》 保留修改行程、路徑、和出發日期的權力,若遇到無法預知的情况,我們也可能取消出團。
2) 預約登記
網上填寫報名表格 (請填寫您的名字, 聯絡電子郵件 (email) 和行程選擇 (KK1, KK2, KK3, KK4, KK5, KK6 或 KK-MPT 私人包車) 以及出發的日期)。
我們的電子郵件是: kkmelbournetours@gmail.com
上班時間直接撥打 0411 376 268 (澳洲境內) 或 +61-411 376 268 (澳洲境外) (GMT + 11:00)。
我們會在 24 小時内回覆您。
3) 訂金
銀行轉帳: Payable to ANZ Bank, BSB: 013 328, Account Name: KK Melbourne Tours, Account Number: 288 513 939 and put your name in the description.
Wise: (我們會從 Wise 傳付款連結給您)
PayPal: Send money To: kkmelbournetours@gmail.com
未付訂金前,您的位子將為您保留兩天; 兩天之後您的位子將讓給下一位詢問的客人。 如果您的旅遊日期和行程已確定,請在收到我們回覆兩天内支付訂金確保座位,以免向隅。
4) 取消預訂
如果您無法參加預訂好的行程,請儘早通知我們。出發日期一個月前取消訂位,訂金退一半; 出發日期一個月内取消訂位或當天未出現,訂金將無法退還。
5) 餘額付款方式
*VISA/Master信用卡支付 (信用卡手續費 1.3%)
6) 孩童規定
我們所有行程皆歡迎 6 個月到 12 歲的孩童參加。每個孩童都有一個獨立的座位,我們會提供安全座椅给 6 個月到 6 歲的孩童。礙於法令規定,每輛車上最多只能有兩個安全座椅。
7) 行李規定
二日遊客人:每位旅客可以額外攜帶一件登機箱尺寸行李(尺寸不得超過 52cm x 34cm x 22 cm)。額外行李需額外付費。
Terms and Conditions
1) General
Although every effort is made, KK Melbourne Tours shall not be liable for any illness, injury, damages, loss, delay, or failure to join the tour that may occur due to factors beyond our control. We highly recommend all passengers have travel insurance coverage. KK Melbourne Tours retains the right to alter routes, itineraries, days of operation or even cancel tours if unforeseen circumstances occur.
2) Booking and Registration
Booking with us is extremely easy and convenient by either:
sending an email to kkmelbournetours@gmail.com or contacting us through our booking website or
call our office at 0411 376 268 (In Australia) or +61-4-1137 6268 (Outside Australia) between 9am to 6pm daily (GMT + 11:00).
We will reply within 24 hours of receiving your email.
3) Deposit Payment Method
Each date booked requires an AUD$50 deposit from each customer. We accept the following payment methods, for your deposit.:
Payable To: ANZ Bank, BSB: 013 328, Account Number: 2885 13939 and type in your name);
WISE (We will send you a link)
PayPal (Send Money To: kkmelbournetours@gmail.com)
Your seats will be reserved for 2 days upon inquiry. Your seats will only be confirmed once we receive your deposit, otherwise, your reservation will be void and we will cater to other customers.
Please inform us via email, WhatsApp, Line or any other communication channels once you have paid your deposit. We will then issue you a receipt and your itinerary via email to confirm your booking. After which, sit back, relax, and we will see you at the pickup location.
4) Cancellation
If you are not able to take part in a tour on the date you have booked, you should contact us as far before this date as possible.
Any cancellation will result in forfeiture of 50% of your deposit. Cancellation 30 days or less before the departure date or a no-show will result in forfeiture of your deposit.
5) Balance
On the travel day, the balance can be paid by:
bank transfer
*VISA/Master credit/debit card (*surcharge of 1.3% applied).
6) Child Policy
Children are permitted on all of our tours. Children's fare rates are available on all our day tours. Children have their seats. Safety car seats will be provided for children between the ages of 0.5 and 6 years old. Due to regulations, only a maximum of 2 baby/toddler safety car seats are permitted on the vehicle.
7) Baggage and Luggage Policy
There are no luggage storage facilities on board the mini-bus.
For a day tour, each customer is permitted to carry a backpack and/or a handbag.
For a 2-day tour, each customer is permitted to carry an additional small luggage, not exceeding 52cm x 34cm x 22cm. A fee will apply for any additional luggage.
--- 感謝您到訪 <看看墨爾本旅遊> Thank you for visiting KK Melbourne Chinese Day Tours ---