(KK3) 亞拉河谷酒莊一日遊
Yarra Valley Wineries Day Tour
百年酒莊 + 彩色小屋 + 蘋果和葡萄園 + 巧克力和冰淇淋工廠 + 聖基爾達碼頭
Colourful Bathing Houses + Apple & Grape Farm + Domaine Chandon + Chocolaterie & Ice Creamery + St Kilda Pier

早上 (7:45 - 8am) 墨爾本市中心的住宿直接接您 (郵區 3000)
聖基爾達海灘 St. Kilda Beach
聖基爾達碼頭 St. Kilda Pier
彩色小屋 Colourful Bathing Houses
臨近郊區午餐 (The Glen Shopping Centre)
香檳酒莊 Domaine Chandon
拿破崙蘋果酒莊 Napoleone Brewery & Ciderhouse
蘋果和葡萄園 Apple & Grape Farm
百年酒莊 Yering Station
亞拉河谷巧克力工廠和冰淇淋店 Yarra Valley Chocolaterie & Ice Creamery
傍晚 (5:30 - 6:00) 回到墨爾本市中心 。
Tour Itinerary & Highlights:
Pickup from your hotel/apartment in Melbourne (7:45 - 8am).
We’ll have a great day out to some of the well-known wineries and best places/farms around the Yarra Valley region and visit the St. Kilda Pier and beaches.
Begin your day with a slow walk along the St. Kilda beaches and its surroundings.
You can also walk towards the end of the St. Kilda pier to spot if there is any lonely little penguin.
Photo taking at one of the popular tourist icons, the Brighton Colourful Bathing Boxes.
Lunch and shopping at The Glen Shopping Centre.
Discover how 250 years of Champagne history and Australian expertise go into every bottle of Chandon sparkling at Domaine Chandon.
Understand the process of making the apple and pear cider at Napoleone Brewery & Ciderhouse.
Taste one of the best apple and pear cider in the region.
Step into the apple and grape farm for a photography session.
Visit one of the oldest wineries in the region (180 years old), Yering Station.
Ending the day with this amazing Yarra Valley Chocolaterie & Ice Creamery Factory.
Return to Melbourne City (5:30 – 6pm)
St. Kilda Beach 聖基爾達海灘

St Kilda beach, Melbourne most famous sandy beach, is about 700 metres long. The beach water quality is generally rated as good by the government agency.
Many people come here to swim, jog, sunbath and also engage in other water sport activities, such as windsurfing, sailing, kite surfing, jet skiing and water skiiing.
St. Kilda Pier 聖基爾達碼頭

基爾達碼頭是聖基爾達的地標之一 。碼頭有一條長長的防波堤,該堤防屏蔽了聖基爾達港,而且是一些神仙企鵝的棲息地。
St. Kilda pier is one of the landmarks in St. Kilda. The pier has a long breakwater, which shelters St Kilda Harbour and hosts some of the little penguin colony.
The best viewing time and location of the little penguins is 30 minutes after sunset and at the end of the pier, where you can see them standing on the rocks or on top of the breakwater.
Colourful Bathing Houses 彩色小屋

十九世紀末期,布萊頓是墨爾本人最喜歡的海灘。這82間小房子的 獨特之處是它們是由市政府仔細的規劃和建造,每一間的大小、比例和材質完全相同,並整整齊齊的在海灘上一字排開。
For many years in the late 19th century, Brighton was Melbourne's favourite seaside destination.
The colourful bathing houses are unique because of their uniform scale and proportion, building material, orderly alignment and planning guidelines.
There are the only remaining structures of their kind close to the Melbourne City.
Domaine Chandon 道門香檳酒莊

1985年,法國酩悦香檳酒莊(Champagne House Moet & Chandon)看到了在澳洲生產頂級 氣泡酒的大好良機,於是在這裡投資成立了這座酒莊。2008 年《Domaine Chandon》葡萄酒獲得了消費大眾和品酒專業人士的一致好評。
法國人悠閒而典雅的天性在Domaine Chandon 流露無遺。從酒窖的大片玻璃窗往窗外看去,山丘上一大片整齊美麗的葡萄園和池塘的美景,讓人心曠神怡。
Domaine Chandon was established in 1985 by French Company 《Champagne House Moet & Chandon》as it saw the opportunity to produce a premium quality sparkling wine in Australia.
In 2008, the launch of still wines under the ‘Domaine Chandon’ label resulted in widespread acclaim from consumers and wine professionals. Looking out from the large glass windows of the wine cellar, the beaty of the vineyards and pond on the hills makes you feel relaxed and happy.
Napoleone Brewery & Ciderhouse

1900 年代起,亞拉河谷就是澳洲蘋果酒的主要產地。拿破崙酒廠從 2008 年開始製造蘋果和梨子酒。
The Yarra Valley has been the Australian home of cider since 1900’s.
The Napoleone family has been crafting apple and pear ciders since 2008. From its modest beginnings, this family business has grown to become one of the largest producers and wholesalers of apples and stone fruits in Australia.
At the Ciderhouse, you can enjoy tasting paddles, pots and pints of freshly crafted cider.
Apple and Grape Farm 蘋果和葡萄園

1900 年代起,亞拉河谷就是澳洲蘋果酒的主要產地。拿破崙酒廠從 2008 年開始製造蘋果和梨子酒。
這梩有數百棵的蘋果樹和葡萄樹可供欣賞和 拍照 。
The Napoleone family, one of the largest producers and wholesalers of apples and stone fruits in Australia.
During summer and autumn, you will be able to see a huge plantation full of grapes and apples while driving along the main road in this region.
We will take this chance to take a close up view of these plantations.
Yering Station 百年酒莊

Victoria’s first vineyard was planted at Yering Station more than 180 years ago. It is also the oldest wine company recorded in the Wine Industry Statistics in Victoria.
At one time, the Yering Station vineyard was one of the largest in the area and as visitors and holiday makers to the Yarra Valley began to sky rocketed, wines from this region began to make their mark on the world.
Yarra Valley Chocolateria & Ice-creamery Factory 亞拉河谷巧克力和冰淇淋店

Your day will begin with this awesome chocolaterie and ice-creamery where you can taste various high quality products.
You will be amazed by those lovely well-designed chocolates that filled up the entire shop. There are at least 250 different varieties of chocolates on the shelves for you to pick.
票價收費 (KK3):
成人 (16+) >>> $120 澳元
兒童 (4-15) >>> $110 澳元
幼兒 (<4) >>> $100 澳元
團費内已包含: 國家公園入場費, 景點門票, 高速公路收費, 消費税和油費。
幼兒和兒童會有自己的汽車安全座位或普通座位。汽車安全座椅將提供給半歲到 6歲的幼兒。
Fares for KK3:
Adult (16+) >>> A$120
Child (4-15) >>> A$110
Toddler (<4) >>> A$100
All fares include parks entrance fee, places-of-interest entrance fee, freeway toll charges, GST and petrol cost.
Infant, toddler and child has their own seats. Safety car seats will also be provided for a child who is under 6 years old.
Yering Station 百年酒莊品酒
每人 $10 - $15 澳元
Optional Activities & Cost:
Wine Tasting At Yering Station
A$10 - $15 (Per Person)
KK1 - 大洋路 + 12 門徒石
KK1W - 大洋路二日游 + Warrnambool
KK2 - 企鵝島 + 蒸汽火車 + 動物農場
KK4 - Mt Buller 雪山一日遊 (六~八月)
KK5 - 淘金鎮 + 基隆海灘
KK6 - 莫寧頓半島 + 草莓園
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