(KK6) 莫寧頓半島一日遊
Mornington Peninsula Day Tour
草莓園 + 空中纜車 + 莫寧頓山頂 + 小紅帽燈塔 + 海邊小鎮 + 巧克力咖啡廳
Strawberry Farm + Cable Car + Arthurs Seat + Lighthouse + Coastal Town + Chocolate & Ice-Cream Shop

早上 (7:45 - 8am) 墨爾本市中心的住宿直接接您 (郵區 3000)
莫寧頓海邊小鎮 Mornington Coastal Town
草莓園和咖啡店 Rocky Creek Strawberry Farm (11月到4月可以採草莓)
櫻桃園 Ripe & Ready Cherry Farm (11月到1月可以採櫻桃)
吹蝕穴 @ Flinders
莫寧頓巧克力工廠/咖啡廳 Mornington Chocolate and Cafe
小紅帽燈塔 Cape Schanck Lighthouse
亞瑟椅觀景台 Arthurs Seat Lookout
空中纜車 Arthurs Seat Eagle Cable Car
默瑞斯瞭望台 Murray Lookout
傍晚 (5:30 - 6:00) 回到墨爾本市中心 。
Tour Itinerary & Highlights:
Pickup from your hotel/apartment in Melbourne (7:45 - 8am).
We’ll have a great day out to some of the well-known places in the Mornington Peninsula Region.
Begin your day with this lovely coastal town, Mornington has great beaches, walking tracks, and parks, shops, cafes, eateries, etc
Followed by visiting one of the well-known strawberry farms (picking from Nov to April), and the cherry farms (picking from Nov to Jan) in the region.
Flinders Blowhole. A great photo opportunity with the blowhole and its surroundings.
Tasting of milk, dark, and white chocolate at one of the best Chocolate and ice-cream Shops in the Mornington Peninsula Region.
Visit one of the oldest lighthouses, Cape Schanck Lighthouse located at the southernmost tip of the Mornington Peninsula.
Arthurs Seat Lookout stands at 314 metres above sea level. A major tourist attraction with plenty of bushlands, sweeping views, and man-made attractions.
Arthurs Seat Eagle, the cable cars operate from the base station at the foot of the hill to the summit of the Arthurs Seat.
One of the best lookouts along Arthurs Seat Road while driving down the hill from the Arthurs Seat is the Murray Lookout.
Return to Melbourne City (5:30 - 6pm).
Mornington Coastal Town

Mornington is one of the popular suburbs in the Mornington Peninsula, located 57 kilometres south of Melbourne. This coastal town is an attractive destination known for its village atmosphere. It is an excellent place for shopping and dining.
Mornington has plenty of good and reputable restaurants and cafes. For a simple day trip, many locals enjoy going to Mornington just for the area’s bay beaches, cafes, restaurants and wineries.
Strawberry Farm 草莓園

鮮红欲滴、香甜多汁的草莓是維生素C、B9 、錳和鉀的極佳來源。草莓富含抗氧化劑和植物化合物,有益心臟健康和血糖控制。
U-Pick 季節從11月持續到4月。咖啡廳每天開放,供遊客品嚐美味的自製冰淇淋和熱飲。
採摘期: 11月至4月(6個月)
咖啡廳營業時間: 周三至周日(周一和周二休息)
Strawberries are bright red colour, juicy texture, and sweetness. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese and also contain a certain amount of vitamin B9 and potassium.
This well-known strawberry farm has grown over 100 varieties of strawberries in over 40 years.
Picking Period: Nov - Apr (6 months)
Cafe: Wednesday to Sunday
(Monday & Tuesday (closed)
Cherry Farm 櫻桃園

採摘期: 11月至次年1月(3個月)
Cherries are not only a type of delicious stone fruit, but also have a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
We will take you to one of the oldest ‘Pick Your Own Cherry Farm’ in Victoria. After more than 50 years of planting and farming, now, the plantation has more than 4500 cherry trees, which include 25 varieties.
Picking Period: Nov - Jan (3 months)
Blowhole at Flinders 吹蝕穴

In geolgy, a blowhole is formed as sea caves grow landwards and upwards into vertical shafts and expose themselves towards the surface, which can result in hydraulic compression of sea water that is released through a port from the top of the blowhole.
Great photo opportunities exist with the blowhole and its surroundings.
Mornington Chocolate & Ice-Cream Shop

The antioxidants in dark chocolate have been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of clotting and increase blood circulation to the heart. Consuming chocolate regularly can help in improving the oxygen and blood flow to the brain cells.
In this chocolate factory, you will be amazed by those lovely well-created chocolates that filled up the entire shop.
Upon arrival at the chocolate factory, you will be offered tastings of milk, dark and white chocolates pastilles for you to enjoy.
Cape Schanck Lighthouse

Cape Schanck 小紅帽燈塔建於1859年,是澳大利亞維多利亞州第二座沿海燈塔,位於莫寧頓半島最南端的申克角。
The 21 metres tall Cape Schanck Lighthouse was built in 1859. It is the second coastal lighthouse in Victoria, Australia.
It is located on Cape Schanck, at the southernmost tip of the Mornington Peninsula.
The spiral stairs were also constructed with stone. The lantern at the top of the lighthouse has a very powerful light (luminous intensity) and has an amazing light beam range of up to 48 kilometres.
Arthurs Seat 亞瑟椅

亞瑟椅 Arthurs Seat 位於莫寧頓半島上的一個多山的小地方,擁有大量的叢林、一覽無餘的景色和人造景點,是莫寧頓半島的著名景點。這個瞭望台海拔314公尺。
Arthurs Seat is a mountainous and small locality on the Mornington Peninsula, about 85 kilometres south east of Melbourne, Australia.
It is a major tourist destination with plenty of bushlands, sweeping views and man-made attractions. This lookout stands at 314 metres above sea level.
Mornington Eagle Cable Car

這條空中纜車耗資 2000 萬澳幣,建造到完工費時一年,於2016年12月3日正式啟用。共有24 部纜車,從山脚下的基站一直運行到 Arthurs Seat 的山頂,每部纜車可容納8名成人乘客。
This cable car (gondola lift) also known as Arthurs Seat Eagle operates from the base station at the foot of the hill to the summit of Arthurs Seat. The entire chairlift costs about $20 millions and it took approximately one year to construct and complete.
The lift was officially opened on 3 December 2016. There are in total 24 chairlifts and each chairlift can accommodate up to a maximum of 8 adult passengers.
Murrays Lookout 默瑞斯觀景台

從 Arthurs Seat Lookout 開車下山時,這是Arthurs Seat Road上最好的瞭望台之一,您將能欣賞到從莫寧頓一直延伸到索倫托和波特西一望無際的美麗海岸線。
One of the best lookout along Arthurs Seat Road while driving down the hill from the Arthurs Seat Lookout.
You will enjoy the coastal line stretching all the way from Mornington to Sorrento and Portsea.
票價收費 (KK6):
成人 (16+) >>> $130 澳元
兒童 (4-15) >>> $120 澳元
幼兒 (<4) >>> $100 澳元
團費内已包含: 國家公園入場費, 景點門票, 高速公路收費, 消費税和油費。
幼兒和兒童會有自己的汽車安全座位或普通座位。汽車安全座椅將提供給半歲到 6歲的幼兒。
Fares for KK6:
Adult (16+) >>> A$130
Child (4-15) >>> A$120
Toddler (<4) >>> A$100
All fares include parks entrance fee, places-of-interest entrance fee, freeway toll charges, GST and petrol cost.
Infant, toddler and child has their own seats. Safety car seats will also be provided for a child who is under 6 years old.
( 成人 / 兒童 )
採摘草莓 >>> $12 / $6 澳元
(包含500克 / 250 克草莓)
採摘櫻桃 >>> $20 / $15 澳元
空中纜車>>> $22 / $14 澳元
Optional Activities & Cost:
Adult / Child
Strawberry Picking >>> A$12 / A$6
(including 500 / 250 gm Strawberry)
Cherry Picking >>> A$20 / $15
Gondola >>> A$22 / A$14
(Single Trip)
KK1 - 大洋路 + 12 門徒石
KK1W - 大洋路二日游 + Warrnambool
KK2 - 企鵝島 + 蒸汽火車 + 動物農場
KK3 - 亞拉河谷酒莊 + 彩色小屋
KK4 - Mt Buller 雪山 (六~八月)
KK5 - 淘金鎮 + 基隆海灘
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