(KK4) 墨爾本雪山一日遊
Melbourne Mt Buller Day Tour
冬季限定 - Mansfield + Mt Buller 雪山
Only in Winter (June - August)

早上 (7 - 7:15) 墨爾本市中心的住宿直接接您 (郵區3000)
Mansfield 小鎮, 上雪山前短暫停留和吃午餐的小鎮
在 Mansfield 的咖啡店享用早茶
Mt Buller 雪山, 一整個下午的時間讓您享受雪山的美麗風景
晚上 (7:30 - 8:00) 回到墨爾本市中心
Tour Itinerary & Highlights:
Pickup from your hotel / apartment in Melbourne City (7-7:15am).
Short break at Mansfield - A Beautiful Little Town
Morning tea at Mansfield Bakery (own expenses)
Mt Buller - Snow Mountains
make snowman, throw snow balls around or slide with toboggans
walk around the village and take some scenic photos
Return to Melbourne City around (7:30 - 8)pm.
Mansfield 小鎮

Mansfield 是澳洲阿爾卑斯山下的一個小鎮,在墨爾本東北部大約180公里處。
這個小鎮以前靠農業和伐木维生,但如今是個觀光中心,支持著滑雪聖地Mt Buller。
Mansfield, a small town in the foothills of the Victorian Alps. It is approximately 180km north-east of Melbourne.
Mansfield was formerly heavily dependent on farming and logging, but is now a tourist centre. It is a supporting town for the large Australia ski resort Mount Buller.
Let us take a short break here.
Mansfield 麵包店

Mansfield 麵包店在Mansfield的主要街道上,店裡賣著這個地區最好的肉派和麵包,很多遊客在上雪山 前會在這裡買個肉派再上山。
Ned Kelly Pie是普通肉派上鋪有蛋和培根,簡單但美味好吃,深受本地人的喜愛,您一定要親自來嚐嚐!
The Ned Kelly Pie is popular among the locals, which is basically a meat pie topped with egg and bacon. Yummy!
Many visitors will grab a pie, before heading up to Mt Buller. Come and taste it yourself.
Reaching Mt Buller Village 雪山中心

一到達Mt Buller,我们就會直接前往雪山中心Village簡單的介紹附近的環境。
Once we reached Mt Buller, we will head straight to the village for a brief introduction of its surroundings.
There are a few cafes, restaurants and shops in this village where you can a light snack and relax.

Sliding on Mt Buller 雪山玩滑雪板
You will have a chance to slide on Mt Buller (toboggan field) using the toboggans.
Having great fun and a memorable experience on Mt Buller.
Photographing and Sightseeing 拍照和觀光

Beside sliding with toboggan, you will have some time to walk around the village, enjoy the surroundings and its amenities, and take some scenic pictures.
票價收費 (KK4):
成人 (16+) >>> $140 澳元
兒童 (4-15) >>> $130 澳元
幼兒 (<4) >>> $120 澳元
團費内已包含: 國家公園入場費, 景點門票, 高速公路收費, 消費税和油費。
幼兒和兒童會有自己的汽車安全座位或普通座位。汽車安全座椅將提供給半歲到 6歲的幼兒。
Fares for KK4:
Adult (16+) >>> A$140
Child (4-15) >>> A$130
Toddler (<4) >>> A$120
All fares include parks entrance fee, places-of-interest entrance fee, freeway toll charges, GST and petrol cost.
Toboggans (sliding boards) will be provided by us.
Infant, toddler and child has their own seats. Safety car seats will also be provided for a child who is under 6 years old.
( 成人 / 兒童 )
租用滑雪板 >>> 每人$20 澳元
Optional Activities & Cost:
Adult / Child
Toboggan Hiring >>> A$20 Per Person
What you need to bring:
waterproof jacket, pant and shoes
gloves and beanie
KK1 - 大洋路 + 12 門徒石
KK1W - 大洋路二日游 + Warrnambool
KK2 - 企鵝島 + 蒸汽火車 + 動物農場
KK3 - 亞拉河谷酒莊 + 彩色小屋
KK5 - 淘金鎮 + 基隆海灘
KK6 - 莫寧頓半島 + 草莓園
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