KK1W - 墨爾本大洋路二日遊
Melbourne Great Ocean Road 2-Day Tour
第一天 // Day 1: Great Ocean Road

大洋路 + 燈塔 + 尋找無尾熊 + 12 門徒石 + 倫敦橋 + 萬年森林 + 阿波羅灣 + 剃刀背 + 拱門島 + 紀念拱門
Great Ocean Road + Lighthouse + Koalas Spotting + 12-Apostles + London Bridge + Otway Rainforest + Apollo Bay + Razorback + The Island Archway + Memorial Arch
第二天 // Day 2: Warrnambool + Port Fairy

瓦南布爾市 + 仙女港 + 萬年石窟 + 島嶼灣 + 梅里河 + 塔山野生動物保護區 + 霍普金斯瀑布 + 雷霆角瞭望台 + 防波堤岩石碼頭
Warrnambool + Port Fairy + Grotto + Bay of Islands + Merri River + Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve + Hopkins Falls + Thunder Point Lookout + Breakwater Rock Pier
早上 (7:00 – 7:15) 墨爾本市中心的住宿直接接您 (郵區 3000)
Torquay/Anglesea 小鎮
大洋路紀念拱門 Memorial Arch
海灘漫步 Beach Walking
Lorne 沿海小鎮
Cape Patton 瞭望台
阿波羅灣 Apollo Bay
十二門徒石 12-Apostles
洛克阿德峽谷 Loch Ard Gorge
拱門島 The Island Archway, 剃刀背 The Razorback
倫敦橋 London Bridge
晚上 (5:00 - 5:30) 入住 Warrnambool 飯店
Day 1: Tour Itinerary & Highlights:
Pickup from your hotel / apartment in Melbourne City (7-7:15am).
Head towards Great Ocean Road via Torquay/Anglesea, enjoying the scenic road.
Mark the beginning of the day tour at the Memorial Arch.
Walk on a beautiful sandy beach.
Short break in Lorne coastal town.
Scenic spot, Cape Patton Lookout.
Lunch break in Apollo Bay.
Admire the beautiful limestone stacks, 12-Apostles.
Walk down to the Loch Ard Gorge.
Short distance walk to see The Island Archway and The Razorback.
Marvel at the London Bridge.
Check-in to Hotel in Warrnambool (5:00 - 5:30pm).
Anglesea Coastal Town 海邊小鎮

Torquay 和 Anglesea 小鎮離墨爾本大約一個小時的車程, 這裡是愛好衝浪者的天堂,我們將沿著海岸線享受大洋路上的美麗風景。
Anglesea, a coastal town located about 110 km from Melbourne. This is one of the coastal town not to be missed if you are going for the Great Ocean Road day tour.
This area has a variety of surfing locations that cater to both beginners and experienced surfers. Normally, there will be a surge in population during the summer months. Many locals and international visitors will arrive for the holidays season.
We will take a short break here.
Memorial Arch 紀念拱門

大洋路是在1919 和1932 年間由第一次世界大戰歸來的軍人為紀念在大戰中喪命的同袍所建造的。
A beautiful gantry to mark the beginning of the Great Ocean Road drive. Get your camera ready and take some pictures at this historic Great Ocean Road memorial arch. The entire stretch of this road was built by returned soldiers between 1919 and 1932 and dedicated to soldiers killed during World War 1.
This road is one of the longest war memorial in the world, which is about 250 kilometres long.
Beach Walking 海灘漫步

Prepare yourself for a relaxing slow walk on some of the beautiful beaches along the Great Ocean Road.
Lorne Coastal Town 沿海小鎮

這個海岸小鎮是以在1841年居住在這裡的Louttit 船長命名。在2016年這個小鎮有1200人居住,當地受歡迎的活動是衝浪和釣魚。
This coastal town situated on a bay and is named after Captain Louttit, who shelter there in 1841.
This town has a population of about 1,200 based on 2016 census.
The popular local activities will be surfing and pier fishing.
Cape Patton Lookout 瞭望台

大洋路沿路有很多瞭望點, Cape Patton Lookout 是其中不能錯過的地點之一,在這裡可以拍出非常壯觀美麗的照片。
There are just too many good locations and lookouts for a good scenic photo along this amazing Great Ocean Road. The Cape Patton is simply one of the lookout not to be missed.
Apollo Bay 阿波羅灣

Lunch break in this popular coastal town. There are numerous cafes and restaurants for you to choose.
Explore this lovely town and its surrounding parks and beaches after your lunch. (*Lunch - own expenses)
12-Apostles 十二門徒石

You not tell people you have been to the Great Ocean Road without seeing the 12-Apostles. One of the scenic destinations not to be missed. Witness yourself this beautiful limestone stacks that created the unique 12-Apostles.
You will be amazed by this beautiful seaside scenery.
Loch Ard Gorge 洛克阿德峽谷

(因为峡谷悬崖不稳定, 所以暂时关闭)
We explore further to shis beautiful coastline along the Great Ocean Road, experience the Historic Shipweck Trail.
This area is notable for its natural limestone and sandstone rock formations, similar to the 12-Apostles.
(Temporary closed due to cliff's instability)
The Island Archway 拱門島

顧名思義,這塊巨大的石灰石原本是一個拱門的形狀,一千到兩千萬年前就已形成,佇立在海面上高達25公尺 。
然而大自然的力量驚人,2009 年 6月拱門中間部分的石頭坍塌入海,剩下原本類似橋墩的兩塊大石頭。隨著時間的流逝,大洋路的海岸線風景也不斷改變。
This soft limestone rock of this coast began forming around 10-20 million years ago, when this coastline was undersea. The different hardness of rock layers were formed by marine animal's skeletal remains.
Cliffs are formed when the sea undercuts the edge of the land, causing it to collapse. Harder blocks remain as stacks while the coast continues to erode away.
This coastline is always evolving and getting reshaped over the years.
The Razorback 剃刀背石

You can view this rock formation when you visit the Loch Ard Gorge.
The surroundings are subjected to strong winds and constantly changing weather. The cliffs in this area are unstable and it is recommended that all visitors to stay on the marked path only.
London Bridge 倫敦橋

The 2-bridges rock formation was created over hundreds of years with weaker layers towards the base being eroded away by wind and strong waves.
Before 1990, London Bridge was a double-spanning bridge connected to the mainland.
Where can you see London Bridge in Australia? Come and see it for yourself. You will be amazed by this lovely scenery.
Day 2: Tour Itinerary & Highlights:
早上8:30 在瓦南布爾市 Warrnambool 的住宿直接接您。
前往石窟 Grotto 和島嶼灣 Bay of Islands,完成大洋路盡頭的行程。
接著返回大洋路的西端,開始我們探索瓦南布爾 Warrnambool 美麗地區的旅程。
站在巨大的防波堤岩石碼頭 Breakwater Rock Pier 上,享受海風和南大洋的壯麗景色。
沿著梅里河 Merri River 海灘漫步,感受大地的柔軟觸感和寧靜。
沿著維護良好的木板步行前往雷霆角瞭望台 Thunder Point Lookout,欣賞壯麗的海岸風光和崎嶇的懸崖。
仙女港 Port Fairy,一個低調安靜的美麗海濱小鎮,這裡有一些遊艇停泊在莫因河沿岸。
在瓦南布爾市中心 Warrnambool City Centre 享用午餐和購物。
午餐後我們將在三萬年前在一次猛烈的火山噴發中形成的塔山野生動物保護區 Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve 散步。
Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve 尋找野生無尾熊。
大洋路和瓦南布爾市二日遊的最後一站:十一公尺高的霍普金斯瀑布 Hopkins Falls。
晚上 (7:00) 回到墨爾本市中心。
Pickup from your hotel in Warrnambool (8 am);
Continue to explore the hidden gem, known as the Grotto along the Great Ocean Road.
Bay of Islands. You can enjoy the spectacular views while moving along the GOR from Warrnambool to Peterborough.
Standing onto the 32 tons concrete block that formed this Breakwater Rock Pier to have a picturesque view of the Pacific Ocean.
Walking on the sandy beach of the Merri River to feel the nature of the earth.
Standing on the Thunder Point Lookout to enjoy the amazing views and its surroundings.
Port Fairy Coastal Town - one of the Victoria’s largest fishing fleets.
Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve. One of Victoria's most important ecological and geological sites formed by volcanic eruptions.
Koalas spotting at Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve.
Come and take a look at the aquarium blue Hopkins Falls and listening to the sound while it drizzling onto the rocks.
Return to Melbourne City between 7 PM. Enjoy the city’s night lighting while crossing the West Gate Bridge.
Grotto 萬年石窟

Continue to explore the hidden gem along the Great Ocean Road - Grotto. The Grotto is one of Victoria’s most unique rock formations not to be missed if you are in Port Campbell.
It features distinct geological elements, combining a cave, sink-hole and archway all into one. Hundreds of years of crashing waves and high winds have eroded the rocks for hundreds of years. The result is a caved-sinkhole within the limestone cliffs.
Bay of Islands 島嶼灣

There are 2 viewing platforms at the Bay of Islands, where you can marvel at the surrounding scenery.
The entire view can stretch out across more than 30 kilometres of Victoria between Peterborough and Warrnambool, it offers an amazing ocean views and a collection of fascinating geological features.
The area is traditionally Aboriginal, and the parkland is still owned by the Aboriginal people who have lived here for centuries.
Breakwater Rock Pier 防波堤岩石碼頭

在 1880 年代,瓦南布爾港處理的貨物比墨爾本港還多,是一個繁榮的深海港口。1874 年,政府批准了一項計劃,通過使用每塊重達 32 噸的巨大混凝土塊建造防波堤來保護航運。
The breakwater is a wonderful engineering design and feature. It is a massive concrete structure that was built in the late 19 century. On site you can see those 32 ton blocks linear formation that form this massive structure.
This Breakwater Rock Pier provides an interesting place to view the Pacific Ocean without walking to the beach.
Merri River 梅里河

瓦南布爾市的兩側是兩條大河 ,霍普金斯河和梅里河。
The Merri River, a perennial river of the Glenelg Hopkins catchment, is located in the Western District of Victoria.
Can you fish in Merri River? Merri River is a stream and the most popular species can be caught here are Southern black bream, Brown trout and Australian salmon.
Thunder Point Lookout 雷霆角瞭望台

Walking from the Breakwater Rock Pier and slowly heading towards the Merri River estuary. Make your way over the river via the footbridge which will lead you to the Thunder Point Coastal Reserved. It is an area characterized by weathered sandstone cliffs, sculptured into tiny bays, inlets and rock pools.
Continue to walk on the timber boardwalk will lead you the Thunder Point Lookout where you can capture an excellent view of the ocean and spectacular shoreline.
Port Fairy 仙女港

仙女港是維多利亞州西南部的一個沿海小鎮,位於瓦南布爾以西 28 公里處。 這個低窪美麗的小鎮建於 1843 年,一直是維多利亞時代最受歡迎的海灘和海濱度假勝地之一。
It is a coastal town that is in love with the arts. Peruse the diverse array of boutiques, antique stores, and art and craft shops scattered throughout the town. Its main industries are tourism and fishing, and it is the home port for one of Victoria’s largest fishing fleets.
This town has a population of about 3,000 people.
Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve

塔山野生動物保護區距離瓦南布爾市中心13 公里,以其火山而聞名。
It is one of Victoria's most important ecological and geological sites formed by volcanic eruptions nearly 30,000 years ago. The volcano is now extinct.
It is also home to some of Australia's best loved wildlife. Emus, kangaroos, koalas, swans, ducks and blue wrens all live inside this magnificent dormant volcano near the Great Ocean Road.
Koala Spotting and Forest Walk at Tower Hill Reserved 尋找野生無尾熊 / 雨林慢步

在Tower Hill Reserved 野生動物保護區一邊悠閒的散步,一邊找尋野生無尾熊。
Take this opportunity to take a leisure walk in Tower Hill Wildlife Reserved.
In this area, you will have a chance to spot the sleepy koalas in the wild.
Hopkins Falls 霍普金斯瀑布

霍普金斯瀑布是一個 11 公尺高的瀑布,也可以有 90 公尺的寬度,據稱是澳大利亞最寬的瀑布。
Come and take a look with the largest and most picturesque falls on the Hopkins River, The Hopkins Falls.
The falls are among Vitoria’s widest at an impressive 90 metres with excellent views to be had at either the viewing platform or at the foot of the falls.
Tour Prices & Accommodation Cost:
票價收費 (KK1W):
成人 (16+) >>> $260 澳元
兒童 (4-15) >>> $260 澳元
幼兒 (<4) >>> $220 澳元
團費内已包含: 國家公園入場費, 景點門票, 高速公路收費, 消費税和油費。
幼兒和兒童會有自己的汽車安全座位或普通座位。汽車安全座椅將提供給半歲到 6歲的幼兒。
雙人房 > 每人 $75 ~ $95 澳元
我們可以為您提供瓦南布爾 Warrnambool 的住宿清單,您也可以自行預訂住宿。
Fares for KK1W:
Adult (16+) >>> A$260
Child (4-15) >>> A$260
Toddler (<4) >>> A$220
All fares include parks entrance fee, places-of-interest entrance fee, freeway toll charges, GST and petrol cost.
Infant, toddler and child has their own seats. Safety car seats will also be provided for a child who is under 6 years old.
1 Bedroom Twin Sharing
A$75 ~ A$95 Per Person
The prices provided above are based on the average 3* hotel rating and there are indicative ONLY.
We will provide you a quote once we obtain a figure from the service provider.
Alternatively, we can provide you a list of the Warrnambool's accommodations and you are free to make your own booking, if you wish.
二日遊客人:每位旅客可以額外攜帶一件登機箱尺寸行李(尺寸不得超過 52cm x 34cm x 22 cm)。額外行李需額外付費。
Baggage and Luggage Policy:
There are no luggage storage facilities on board the mini-bus.
For a day tour, each customer is permitted to carry a backpack and/or a handbag.
For a 2-day tour, each customer is permitted to carry an additional small luggage, not exceeding 52cm x 34cm x 22cm. A fee will apply for any additional luggage.
KK1 - 大洋路 +12 門徒石
KK2 - 企鵝島 + 蒸汽火車 + 動物農場
KK3 - 亞拉河谷酒莊 + 彩色小屋
KK4 - Mt Buller 雪山一日遊 (六~八月)
KK5 - 淘金鎮 + 基隆海灘
KK6 - 莫寧頓半島 + 草莓園
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