













2024年11月。客車舒適、冷氣充足、最重要的是導遊Loe ,照顧車上各人皆無微不至,他會帶我們去最正的打咭位影相,又主動賛我們影相和拍video,又帶我們去食美味平宜的食物、咖喱牛肉批、薯條炸魚,而最為更驚喜的是、睇企鵝嘅時候、Leo技術上調整、把我們帶到一個能近距離觀賞企鵝嘅位置、但係又不需要額外付費, ....(TripAdvisor)
2024年11月。從未試過去旅遊跟當地旅行團原來係咁舒服,由酒店附近接我們出發去大洋路,途中會講解墨爾本的風土人情,近會講解大洋路(12門徒石)的來源,由食、玩都貼身安排🤗💪🏻.... (Google Reviews)
第1日最欣賞係Leo介紹嘅炸魚薯條餐,豐富又抵食😋 第2日,因已自行預備午餐,Leo亦額外帶我哋往野餐,並好好彩近距離見到可愛嘅樹熊,超開心!❤❤❤ .... (Google Reviews)
1》 大洋路 Great Ocean Road

大洋路是墨爾本最受歡迎的旅遊景點,沿着海岸線呈現的是令人難以忘懷的美麗風景。沿路上有一些可愛的沿海小鎮,如Anglesea, Lorne, Apollo Bay 和 Port Campbell。沿着大洋路,您將能够欣賞到壯麗的大自然,包括美麗的海灘、海浪拍打海灘壯闊的聲響,以及天然的石灰石和沙岩形成的壯觀美景,例如,湖弧峽谷,倫敦橋和十二門徒石。
Great Ocean Road is an Australia National Heritage listed, stretching about 250 kilometres along the south-eastern coast of Australia. This road, the world's largest war memorial was built by returned soldiers between 1919 and 1932, and is dedicated to soldiers killed during World War 1.
This tourist attraction, in which much of the road is along the coastline with unforgettable beautiful view. The road travels via some lovely seaside resort towns such as Anglesea, Lorne, Apollo Bay and Port Campbell. Along the coastline, you will enjoy the view of all those spectacular beaches and listen to the wave crashing onto those beaches.
The main attraction along this road is the nature, the natural limestone and sandstone rock formations in those popular tourist attractions such as Loch Arc Gorge, London Bridge and The 12-Apostles. The moment you see these attractions, you will fall in love with them.
2》 企鵝島(菲利普島) Phillip Island

企鵝島 (菲利普島) 是以新南威爾斯州的首任總督 Arthur Phillip 而命名的,位於墨爾本東南方約140公里處,和澳洲大陸以一座橋相連接。這裏因為海風的吹拂,氣候比墨爾本温和。
Phillip Island is an Australia island about 140 kilometres southeast of Melbourne, Victoria. Phillip Island is connected to the main land (Melbourne) by a concrete bridge. This island experiences milder weather than Melbourne and is tempered by ocean breezes.
Philip Island is a very popular tourist destination visited by more than 3 million people annually. The main attraction, Penguin Parade at Phillip Island Nature Park, where tiny cute little penguins wobble ashore in groups, attracts millions of visitors from all over the world. People travel from as far as another part of the world just to see this unique feature. Penguins stay within their own environment. They spend the largest part of their day swimming and seeking for food in the sea, and come ashore at dusk.
Come and see for yourself those cute little penguins. You will love them and want to take them home.
3》 丹頓農山 (Mount Dandenong)

在這茂密涼爽的山間可以看到壯觀的山下全景,也可以看到種類繁多的澳洲獨有的原生鳥類,包括玫瑰鸚鵡 (crimson rosella)、笑翠鳥 (Kookaburra) 和美麗的琴鳥 (lyrebird)。
就讓小鎮的一杯美味咖啡開始你美好的一天吧!Olinda, Belgrave,以及Sassafras等小鎮有許多特色商店和藝廊,販賣特殊設計的珠寶,玻璃製品以及家具。在這裡不但可以享受購物樂趣,也能够同時欣賞山間美麗的風景以及呼吸新鮮的空氣。
Mount Dandenong is located between the tourist towns of Olinda and Kalorama in Melbourne’s bushy and scenic Dandenong Ranges. It is slightly more than 600 metres tall, located 35 kilometres east of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. On this mountain, you will find the Dandenong Ranges’ secret fern glades, towering green forests and vibrant villages.
This bushy cool mountain elevation provides spectacular panoramic views. You can also see a whole lot of native birdlife, including crimson rosellas, kookaburras and the superb lyrebird on the mountain.
There are also many shops and galleries on the mountain in Olinda, Belgrave and Sassafras that sell unique designed jewellery, glasswork and furniture. For sure, city dwellers and visitors will enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh air, and at the same time shop around on the mountain.
4》 蒸汽火車 (Puffing Billy Steam Railway)

普芬比利蒸汽火車位於墨爾本的丹頓農山區,是澳洲第一個被保存下來的蒸汽鐡軌,在1900年為了服務當地的農業和木材業而建造。時至今日,普芬比利仍然運行在林木茂密、風景秀麗的Belgrave 和 Gembrook 間。
Puffing Billy is Australia’s Premiere Preserved Steam Railway in the Dandenong Ranges in Melbourne, Australia. This narrow gauge heritage railway was first opened in 1900 to serve the local farming and timber community. Now, it is still running on its original mountain track from Belgrave to Gembrook in the bushy scenic Dandenong Ranges.
Being close to the city Melbourne and with a post-preservation history spanning over 50 years, this Puffing Billy is one of the most popular steam heritage railways in the world. It has since attracted millions of tourists from all over the world.
One popular feature of riding onto Puffing Billy is sitting on the ledge of the open-sided carriages to experience the wind waving your hair.
Puffing Billy is running soon, have you bought your ticket?
5》 亞拉河谷酒莊 (Yarra Valley Wineries)

亞拉河谷位於墨爾本東部,是澳洲著名的葡萄酒區。這裡涼爽的氣候最適合生產 Chardonnay 和 Pinot Noir。
The Yarra Valley is an Australian wine region located east of Melbourne, Australia. It is a cool climate region that is best known for producing Chardonnay and Pinot noir.
These high profile wineries have made it an important destination for visitors who enjoy tasting, consumption and purchasing of wine, and have attracted more than 3 million visitors in 2011.
So sit back and relax with a glass of wine in a scenic environment.
6》 動物農場 (Animal Farm)

In Melbourne, some cattle farms offer visitors a unique and traditional hands-on Australia farm experience. Visitors will have a chance to come in close contact with kangaroos, wombats, ducks and emus. Some visitors travel from another part of the world just to see and feed the kangaroos. This is a memorable experience not to be missed when you are in Melbourne.
Visitors will also have a chance to get close to some of those farm animals such as grey kangaroos, wallabies, emus, parrots, pony, stock animals, etc.
You can also have an opportunity to hand feed some of those animals, pat them and even take a picture with them. This is one of the Melbourne farm that can pat and interact with a koala.
7》 櫻桃園 (Cherry Farm)

在1969年,墨爾本的櫻桃價格低到農人寧願讓它們自然落在地上,也不願花時間和人力去採收。農人想出了 “自己採櫻桃” 這個主意,没想到反應出奇熱烈,從此 “自己採櫻桃” 就在維多利亞州風行起來。
Cherries have a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which act together to deliver health benefits not available in supplements.
Back in 1969, cherry prices at the Melbourne Market were so low that some farmers decided it was not worth picking and left the cherry to fall to the ground. Then, some farmers decided to put up a signboard written, “Pick Your Own Cherries” and planted it at the bottom of the hill. Surprisingly, they sold out of cherries over the weekend. This started the, “Pick Your Own Cherry Farm” in Victoria.
Normally, the picking season in this unique cherry farm opens its door from late November to Mid-January the following year. This is the only time during the year that there are ripe cherries available on the trees for you to pick.
Do you want to pick your own cherry in one of the oldest cherry farm in Victoria?
8》 莫寧頓半島 (Mornington Peninsula)

亞瑟的椅子(Arthurs Seat)是位在莫寧頓半島的一個小山丘,海拔305公尺,是莫寧頓半島主要的觀光景點。這裡有大自然的美麗風景,也有人造的觀光景點。
Point Nepean 位於莫寧頓半島最西端,也是菲利普港的最南端。尼皮恩堡壘 (Fort Nepean) 是昔日的防禦設施,具有歷史的擋土牆、八個炮台、發動機房、放槍的炮筒以及地下隧道,現今都開放給遊客參觀。
Mornington Peninsula is a peninsula located over 40 kilometres south-east of Melbourne, Australia. The peninsula is primarily a local tourist region, with popular natural attractions such as the variety of beaches both sheltered and open-sea and many scenic sights and views. There are also many other attractions in the area such as wineries, mazes and water sports.
Arthurs Seat is a hill and located on the Mornington Peninsula, within the Shire of Mornington Peninsula. Arthurs Seat is a major tourist attraction, owing to its natural bushy areas, sweeping views and man-made attractions. This hill stands at 305 metres above sea level.
This is a lovely place for people who love beaches, beautiful sceneries and a little bit of history.
9》 薰衣草花園 (Lavender Farm)

您也可以在薰衣草園裡的茶屋裡一邊享受著有名的devonshire 茶、薰衣草司康(scone),以及農場自製的覆盆子果醬,一邊俯瞰薰衣草園的秀麗美景。
Lavender (also known as Lavandula) is a genus of 39 species of flowering plants in the mint family.
Commercially, the plant is grown mainly for the production of essential oil of lavender, and used as fragrances for bath products. There can also be used in balms, salves, perfumes and cosmetics. It is also grown as a condiment and used in salads and dressings.
We will take you to this unique lavender farm to enjoy the fragrant lavender. The farm has more than 10,000 lavender plants caters for tourists from Australia and around the world.
You can also enjoy the view looking over the fields of lavender with a cup of devonshire teas with lavender scones and homemade raspberry jam in the farm’s delightful tea rooms.
10》 草莓園 (Strawberry Farm)

草莓有很高的營養價值,是很好的維他命 C 來源。
Strawberries are well-known for their high nutritional value and medicinal properties. Strawberries have an excellent source of Vitamin C.
We will take you to this unique strawberry farm that has grown over 100 varieties of strawberries in over 30 years. This farm pursues a strategy of reducing agricultural chemicals and do not utilise routine spray schedules (But to assess before spraying).
Do you want to pick your own strawberries in Victoria, Australia? Normally, the picking season in this unique strawberry farm opens its door from November to April the following year.
11》 巧克力和冰淇淋工廠 (Chocolate & Ice-Cream Factory)

Chocolate is a processed sweetened food produced from the seed of cocoa tree. When we talk about chocolate, almost every kids and adults will fall in love with it.
We will take you to an amazing chocolate and ice-cream factory where you can delight in the experience of tasting, seeing and indulging in the quality products.
You will have a chance to watch the art of chocolate making from handcrafting to hand packing. You will also meet the European chocolatiers who will amaze you with their chocolate creations.
At the same time, you can enjoy a cup of coffee with a special pastry or try some of the home-made ice cream at the café.
Let’s join us to this amazing chocolaterie & ice creamery experiences.
12》 滑雪勝地 (Mystical Snow Mountain)

Mount Buller 布勒山位於墨爾本東方約208公里處,是愛好滑雪人士冬季的度假聖地。布勒村位於布勒山的中心,有著許多的酒吧和餐廳。
Mount Buller 布勒山有兩個滑雪板(toboggan)專用雪場,搭配數台大型造雪機,不論是大人或小孩在這裡都可以玩得開心又盡興。
Mount Buller is a town located approximately 208 km east of Melbourne, Victoria. This resort town is popular with snow sports enthusiasts in winter. The Mount Buller Village is situated at the heart of the mountain with numerous bars and restaurants.
The plenty of snow play fun, Mount Buller has 2 toboggan parks, complete with sizeable snow-making machines to keep kids and adults happy during their winter stay on the mountains.
Come and experience this snow field during the winter and experience yourself in making a snowman, try on a toboggan or simply feel the snow and throw the snow balls around.
13》 基隆海濱-彩色雕像 (Geelong Waterfront - Colourful Statues)

Eastern Beach is a popular swimming and recreation area in Geelong, Victoria, and it is about 30 minutes drive from the gantry of Great Ocean Road. This beach is backed by the grassy slopes of Eastern Beach Reserve and has a 200m long, circular swimming enclosure toward its eastern end.
On shore, there is a fantastic adventure playground with plenty of spectator seats for the grown-ups. There are large areas of lawn perfect for picnics and some exciting ball games.
You will also be amazed by the weird and wonderful statues that lined the paths around the area. Those colourful funny statues gave the area a nice funky feel to the surroundings.
14》 彩色小屋 (Brighton - Colourful Bathing Houses)

十九世紀末,布萊頓是墨爾本人最喜歡的海灘,這裡距離墨爾本市區只有十分鐘的車程。 位於Dendy Street 海灘上的布萊頓彩色小屋是當地熱門的地標。
For many years in the late nineteenth century, Brighton was Melbourne’s favourite seaside destination. The Brighton bathing boxes situated at the Dendy Street Beach are a popular seaside icon. It is only a 10 minutes drive from the Melbourne City.
The 82 Brighton bathing boxes are unique because of their uniform scale and proportion, building material, orderly alignment and planning guided by the City Council. Those simple structures retain classic Victoria architectural features with timber framing, weatherboards and corrugated iron roofs.
The Brighton bathing boxes are the only remaining structures of their kind close to the Melbourne City. Come and see these colourful cute little structures for yourself.
15》 野生無尾熊 (Koalas)

Koala is an herbivorous mammal native to Australia. Koalas can be found in coastal areas of the mainland's eastern and southern regions, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. Koala can be recognised by its stout, tailless and round body, fluffy ears and a spoon-sharped nose.
Koalas typically inhabit open eucalypt woodlands, and the leaves of these trees make up most of their diet. Koalas are largely sedentary and sleep for up to 20 hours a day due to the limited nutritional and caloric content of the eucalypt diet.
Those cute little mammals have since attracted millions of visitors from all over the world.
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