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墨爾本中文小團四日遊。墨爾本粉紅湖 + 大洋路 + 12門徒石 + 蒸汽火車 + 企鵝島 + 百年酒莊 + 巧克力和冰淇淋工廠 + 香檳酒莊 + 蘋果園 + 彩色小屋 + 淘金鎮 + ..
Melbourne Chinese Cantonese 4 Days Tour. Great Ocean Road, 12-Apostles, Phillip Island, Puffing Billy, Kangaroos, Koalas, Yarra Valley Wineries, Brighton Beach, Melbourne Pink Lake, Apple Farm & More. MH & friends. 22 March 2019.
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